You can also made quite a bit of money by selling horses on the market. I know someone from CBT2 that made most of his fortune (1+ million Silver in the first day) just by going out and taming horses, then selling them on the horse market for profit.
What You Need
In order to tame a horse, your Taming skill must be at least level 5 (which you should get when your starter mount reaches about level 8). You will also need to purchase some lassos from a stable hand, costing 1500 Silver each. You are going to make mistakes in the beginning, so I suggest picking up at least 20 (or as many as you can afford). While not required, I also strongly suggest acquiring sugar lumps which will give you a boost in your efforts to domesticate your mount. These can be purchased directly from the auction house, but they are very easy to make via cooking. They only require 10 Raw Sugar and 1 Spring Water, which can be purchased directly from a tavern keeper for a little over 2000 Silver. I’d suggest making at least 3 for each mount you are going to tame.
Where to Find a Horse
Now you must set off into the world and find a horse to tame. I have found herds a short ways Southeast of Calpheon, Southwest of Heidel, and slightly East of the Northern Heidel Quarry. Once you find a horse in the wild, slowly approach to get close enough to throw a lasso. If you get too close, the horse will run away from you. If this happens simply wait for it to stop and approach it again (crouching will help you get closer). Be careful not to get the horse stuck on a rock or an incline, as you won’t be able to mount it later and all your efforts will have gone to waste.
Catching Your Horse
Once you have gotten close enough to the horse (the horse should have the red target on it), right click on the lasso on your inventory to throw it. Left click to throw the lasso, keeping the target on the horse, and a bar will appear. Hit the spacebar (make sure you don't try and hit left click again like I did) while you are in the sweet spot and the horse will become snared. Now you will be able to walk towards the horse slowly (you may want to wait a moment before attempting to approach the horse after it is lassoed as sometimes the horse will rear almost immediately). As soon as you see the horse rear up on its hind legs, press the spacebar. This will cause the second mini-game to start. While the minigame is active (there will be a countdown timer) spam your spacebar key as much as you can, keeping the meter to the right and in the blue. Once the timer expires, continue to move directly towards the horse. You may have to play the mini-game several times until you finally reach the horse.
Now, you can press “R” to attempt to mount, or press “F1” to give it a sugar lump. I recommend feeding the horse 3 lumps of sugar, then attempt to mount. If the horse doesn’t throw you, you will be able to guide it back to the nearest stable hand to register. If you are thrown you may be kicked and the horse will run off, and you will be forced to start again from scratch. Be careful not to attack the horse, as if you kill one, you will suffer a Karma hit. If you came upon the herd with a mount of your own, make sure you have left it in a safe area until you can return.
Once you get the horse to a stable hand, you will be able to register and name it. Oddly enough, you won’t be able to tell the sex of the mount until after it is named, so if you intend on using the mount regularly, you may wish to choose a gender neutral name.
Mount Breeding
In order to get horses of higher tiers, a male and a female horse of the same tier can be bred together (unlike pets, the horses are not consumed in the process) to create a new horse of a (hopefully) higher tier. To breed a pair, both will need to be at least level 10, although your chances of getting a higher tier horse increase with the level of its parents. You may also attempt to breed horses of varying tiers, trying to get a horse in between the two, or possibly (but unlikely) one of a higher tier.
To initiate breeding, check both mounts into the same stable and remove their gear. They also must both have full stamina. Register both your mounts for mating (a price must be entered for the male, but if you are breeding your own horses together you will get this money back). Then click the mating market and select your horses. You can also register your stallion for breeding, and collect the money the mare owner pays for the privilege of breeding with your stallion. Males can breed up to 2 times, while females can only be bred once. You can purchase breeding reset tokens from the cash shop, but they will only work with once with a given horse. The Female breeding reset costs 640 Pearls while the Male cost reset is 330.
It will take up to two hours for the process to complete and the foal to be born–which will actually be an already fully grown horse.
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